Quantum Optics|109 Article(s)
Ultrafast optical modulation of the fluorescence from a single-photon emitter in silicon carbide
Mengting He, Yujing Cao, Junjie Lin, Zhiping Ju, Botao Wu, and E Wu
The quest for the room-temperature optical transistor based on nonlinearities in single atoms or molecules is attracting a lot of attention. In this work, a single-photon emitter in cubic silicon carbide is verified that can operate as an optical switch at room temperature under pulsed green laser illumination with a near-infrared pulsed laser as the control gate. We demonstrated an ultrafast and reversible optical modulation with a high photoluminescence intensity suppression ratio up to 97.9% and a response time as short as 287.9±5.7 ps. The current development provides insights for high-precision and ultrafast optical switches, with possibilities for integration with emerging electronic installations to realize more intelligent photoelectric integrated devices.
Photonics Research
  • Publication Date: May. 01, 2024
  • Vol. 12, Issue 5, 941 (2024)
Entanglement quantification via weak measurements assisted by deep learning
Mu Yang, Ya Xiao, Ze-Yan Hao, Yu-Wei Liao, Jia-He Cao, Kai Sun, En-Hui Wang, Zheng-Hao Liu, Yutaka Shikano, Jin-Shi Xu, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
Entanglement has been recognized as being crucial when implementing various quantum information tasks. Nevertheless, quantifying entanglement for an unknown quantum state requires nonphysical operations or post-processing measurement data. For example, evaluation methods via quantum state tomography require vast amounts of measurement data and likely estimation. Although a direct entanglement determination has been reported for the unknown pure state, it is still tricky for the mixed state. In this work, assisted by weak measurement and deep learning technology, we directly detect the entanglement (namely, the concurrence) of a class of two-photon polarization-entangled mixed states both theoretically and experimentally according to the local photon spatial distributions after weak measurement. In this way, the number of projective bases is much smaller than that required in quantum state tomography.
Photonics Research
  • Publication Date: Mar. 21, 2024
  • Vol. 12, Issue 4, 712 (2024)
Subnatural-linewidth fluorescent single photons|Editors' Pick
He-Bin Zhang, Gao-Xiang Li, and Yong-Chun Liu
Subnatural-linewidth single photons are of vital importance in quantum optics and quantum information science. According to previous research, it appears difficult to utilize resonance fluorescence to generate single photons with subnatural linewidth. Here we propose a universally applicable approach to generate fluorescent single photons with subnatural linewidth, which can be implemented based on Λ-shape and similar energy structures. Further, the general condition to obtain fluorescent single photons with subnatural linewidth is revealed. The single-photon linewidth can be easily manipulated over a broad range by external fields, which can be several orders of magnitude smaller than the natural linewidth. Our study can be easily implemented in various physical platforms with current experimental techniques and will significantly facilitate the research on the quantum nature of resonance fluorescence and the technologies in quantum information science.
Photonics Research
  • Publication Date: Mar. 13, 2024
  • Vol. 12, Issue 4, 625 (2024)
Extreme single-excitation subradiance from two-band Bloch oscillations in atomic arrays
Luojia Wang, Da-Wei Wang, Luqi Yuan, Yaping Yang, and Xianfeng Chen
Atomic arrays provide an important quantum optical platform with photon-mediated dipole–dipole interactions that can be engineered to realize key applications in quantum information processing. A major obstacle for such applications is the fast decay of the excited states. By controlling two-band Bloch oscillations of single excitation in an atomic array under an external magnetic field, here we show that exotic subradiance can be realized and maintained with orders of magnitude longer than the spontaneous decay time in atomic arrays with the finite size. The key finding is to show a way for preventing the wavepacket of excited states scattering into the dissipative zone inside the free space light cone, which therefore leads to the excitation staying at a subradiant state for an extremely long decay time. We show that such operation can be achieved by introducing a spatially linear potential from the external magnetic field in the atomic arrays and then manipulating interconnected two-band Bloch oscillations along opposite directions. Our results also point out the possibility of controllable switching between superradiant and subradiant states, which leads to potential applications in quantum storage.
Photonics Research
  • Publication Date: Mar. 01, 2024
  • Vol. 12, Issue 3, 571 (2024)
Experimental distillation of tripartite quantum steering with an optimal local filtering operation
Qian-Xi Zhang, Xiao-Xu Fang, and He Lu
Multipartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) steering admits multipartite entanglement in the presence of uncharacterized verifiers, enabling practical applications in semi-device-independent protocols. Such applications generally require stronger steerability, while the unavoidable noise weakens steerability and consequently degrades the performance of quantum information processing. Here, we propose the local filtering operation that can maximally distill genuine tripartite EPR steering from N copies of three-qubit generalized Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states, in the context of two semi-device-independent scenarios. The optimal filtering operation is determined by the maximization of assemblage fidelity. Analytical and numerical results indicate the advantage of the proposed filtering operation when N is finite and the steerability of initial assemblages is weak. Experimentally, a proof-of-principle demonstration of two-copy distillation is realized with the optical system. The advantage of the optimal local filtering operation is confirmed by the distilled assemblage in terms of higher assemblage fidelity with perfectly genuine tripartite steerable assemblages, as well as the greater violation of the inequality to witness genuine tripartite steerable assemblages. Our results benefit the distillation of multipartite EPR steering in practice, where the number of copies of initial assemblages is generally finite.
Photonics Research
  • Publication Date: Mar. 01, 2024
  • Vol. 12, Issue 3, 552 (2024)
Generation of quantum-certified random numbers using on-chip path-entangled single photons from an LED|Editors' Pick
Nicolò Leone, Stefano Azzini, Sonia Mazzucchi, Valter Moretti, Matteo Sanna, Massimo Borghi, Gioele Piccoli, Martino Bernard, Mher Ghulinyan, and Lorenzo Pavesi
Single-photon entanglement is a peculiar type of entanglement in which two or more degrees of freedom of a single photon are correlated quantum-mechanically. Here, we demonstrate a photonic integrated chip able to generate and manipulate single-photon path-entangled states, using a commercial red LED as light source. A Bell test, in the Clauser, Horne, Shimony, and Holt (CHSH) form, is performed to confirm the presence of entanglement, resulting in a maximum value of the CHSH correlation parameter equal to 2.605±0.004. This allows us to use it as an integrated semi-device independent quantum random number generator able to produce certified random numbers. The certification scheme is based on a Bell’s inequality violation and on a partial characterization of the experimental setup, without the need of introducing any further assumptions either on the input state or on the particular form of the measurement observables. In the end a min-entropy of 33% is demonstrated.
Photonics Research
  • Publication Date: Aug. 09, 2023
  • Vol. 11, Issue 9, 1484 (2023)
Round-trip multi-band quantum access network|Spotlight on Optics
Yuehan Xu, Tao Wang, Huanxi Zhao, Peng Huang, and Guihua Zeng
The quantum network makes use of quantum states to transmit data, which will revolutionize classical communication and allow for some breakthrough applications. Quantum key distribution (QKD) is one prominent application of quantum networks, and can protect data transmission through quantum mechanics. In this work, we propose an expandable and cost-effective quantum access network, in which the round-trip structure makes quantum states travel in a circle to carry information, and the multi-band technique is proposed to support multi-user access. Based on the round-trip multi-band quantum access network, we realize multi-user secure key sharing through the continuous-variable QKD (CV-QKD) protocol. Due to the encoding characteristics of CV-QKD, the quadrature components in different frequency bands can be used to transmit key information for different users. The feasibility of this scheme is confirmed by comprehensive noise analysis, and is verified by a proof-of-principle experiment. The results show that each user can achieve excess noise suppression and 600 bit/s level secure key generation under 30 km standard fiber transmission. Such networks have the ability of multi-user access theoretically and could be expanded by plugging in simple modules. Therefore, it paves the way for near-term large-scale quantum secure networks.
Photonics Research
  • Publication Date: Aug. 01, 2023
  • Vol. 11, Issue 8, 1449 (2023)
Resource-efficient quantum key distribution with integrated silicon photonics
Kejin Wei, Xiao Hu, Yongqiang Du, Xin Hua, Zhengeng Zhao, Ye Chen, Chunfeng Huang, and Xi Xiao
Integrated photonics provides a promising platform for quantum key distribution (QKD) system in terms of miniaturization, robustness, and scalability. Tremendous QKD works based on integrated photonics have been reported. Nonetheless, most current chip-based QKD implementations require additional off-chip hardware to demodulate quantum states or perform auxiliary tasks such as time synchronization and polarization basis tracking. Here, we report a demonstration of resource-efficient chip-based BB84 QKD with a silicon-based encoder and a decoder. In our scheme, the time synchronization and polarization compensation are implemented relying on the preparation and measurement of the quantum states generated by on-chip devices; thus, we need no additional hardware. The experimental tests show that our scheme is highly stable with a low intrinsic quantum bit error rate of 0.50%±0.02% in a 6 h continuous run. Furthermore, over a commercial fiber channel up to 150 km, the system enables the realization of secure key distribution at a rate of 866 bit/s. Our demonstration paves the way for a low-cost, wafer-scale manufactured QKD system.
Photonics Research
  • Publication Date: Jun. 30, 2023
  • Vol. 11, Issue 7, 1364 (2023)
Photonic-reconfigurable entanglement distribution network based on silicon quantum photonics|Editors' Pick
Dongning Liu, Jingyuan Liu, Xiaosong Ren, Xue Feng, Fang Liu, Kaiyu Cui, Yidong Huang, and Wei Zhang
The entanglement distribution network connects remote users by sharing entanglement resources, which is essential for realizing quantum internet. We propose a photonic-reconfigurable entanglement distribution network (PR-EDN) based on a silicon quantum photonic chip. The entanglement resources are generated by a quantum light source array based on spontaneous four-wave mixing in silicon waveguides and distributed to different users through time-reversed Hong–Ou–Mandel interference by on-chip Mach–Zehnder interferometers with thermo-optic phase shifters (TOPSs). A chip sample is designed and fabricated, supporting a PR-EDN with 3 subnets and 24 users. The network topology of the PR-EDN could be reconfigured in three network states by controlling the quantum interference through the TOPSs, which is demonstrated experimentally. Furthermore, a reconfigurable entanglement-based quantum key distribution network is realized as an application of the PR-EDN. The reconfigurable network topology makes the PR-EDN suitable for future quantum networks requiring complicated network control and management. Moreover, it is also shown that silicon quantum photonic chips have great potential for large-scale PR-EDN, thanks to their capacities for generating and manipulating plenty of entanglement resources.
Photonics Research
  • Publication Date: Jun. 28, 2023
  • Vol. 11, Issue 7, 1314 (2023)
Towards optimum Franson interference recurrence in mode-locked singly-filtered biphoton frequency combs
Kai-Chi Chang, Xiang Cheng, Murat Can Sarihan, and Chee Wei Wong
Mode-locked biphoton frequency combs exhibit multiple discrete comblike temporal correlations from the Fourier transform of its phase-coherent frequency spectrum. Both temporal correlation and Franson interferometry are valuable tools for analyzing the joint properties of biphoton frequency combs, and the latter has proven to be essential for testing the fundamental quantum nature, the time-energy entanglement distribution, and the large-alphabet quantum key distributions. However, the Franson recurrence interference visibility in biphoton frequency combs unavoidably experiences a falloff that deteriorates the quality of time-energy entanglement and channel capacity for longer cavity round trips. In this paper, we provide a new method to address this problem towards optimum Franson interference recurrence. We first observe mode-locked temporal oscillations in a 5.03 GHz free-spectral range singly filtered biphoton frequency comb using only commercial detectors. Then, we observe similar falloff trend of time-energy entanglement in 15.15 GHz and 5.03 GHz free-spectral range singly filtered biphoton frequency combs, whereas, the optimum central time-bin accidental-subtracted visibility over 97% for both cavities. Here, we find that by increasing the cavity finesse F, we can enhance the detection probability in temporal correlations and towards optimum Franson interference recurrence in our singly filtered biphoton frequency combs. For the first time, via a higher cavity finesse F of 45.92 with a 15.11 GHz free-spectral range singly filtered biphoton frequency comb, we present an experimental ≈3.13-fold improvement of the Franson visibility compared to the Franson visibility with a cavity finesse F of 11.14 at the sixth time bin. Near optimum Franson interference recurrence and a time-bin Schmidt number near 16 effective modes in similar free-spectral range cavity are predicted with a finesse F of 200. Our configuration is versatile and robust against changes in cavity parameters that can be designed for various quantum applications, such as high-dimensional time-energy entanglement distributions, high-dimensional quantum key distributions, and wavelength-multiplexed quantum networks.
Photonics Research
  • Publication Date: Jun. 16, 2023
  • Vol. 11, Issue 7, 1175 (2023)